Becoming a Blood Bank Technology Specialist

Blood Bank Technology Specialists work in a laboratory by conducting routine tests as well as advanced and specialized tests on blood samples. Their responsibilities include collecting blood samples, conducting required test on them and assisting physicians for further treatment. They identify blood types and antibodies, investigate abnormalities, verify blood group antigens and supervise the collection, separation, delivery and storage of blood components so on and so forth.

Besides, these professionals play a key role in blood transfusion, which is considered as one of the most critical jobs in the health care system. They screen the donated blood for factors like HIV positive or hepatitis and select the blood for processing it into blood products such as platelets or plasma.

Blood Bank Technology Specialists work at private and government hospitals, labs, blood banks, transfusion centers, educational institutions, research centers etc. They hold the post of Technical supervisors, Laboratory managers, Transfusion safety officers etc.

Education Requirements:

To qualify for the position of Blood Bank Technology Specialists, the students must have to complete a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university with a major in Biology, Microbiology or Physical science and a certification as a medical technologist or a Master’s degree in Blood bank technology.

Certification as a Blood Bank Technology Specialist can be obtained from the American Society of Clinical Pathologists (ASCP). The curriculum includes theoretical concepts of blood bank immunohematology, quality systems and process control laboratory management, and rotations in all technical areas of the modern blood bank and transfusion services etc.

Some states in USA require a license to practice as a Blood Bank Technology Specialist.

Salary & Job Outlook:

The job outlook for Blood Bank Technology Specialists remains outstanding across the USA. The average salary of a Specialist in Blood Bank Technology was $60,00 in 2012. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job opportunity for this profession may grow 27% during 2012-2022.

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